So many activities! So much support!
There are so many hidden (and some not so hidden) gems that you all let me in on that I thought I would save them somewhere for you to go to.
There are so many I can't do them in a post so here they are all split up in activity genres!
I have also added a list of useful apps!
- Apps, Website & Support Groups
- Term Classes: Sensory, Music, Massage, Swimming, Other
- Other Activities: Every Day, Animals, Cakes and Coffee Trips, Yummy Food Pubs
- Older Babies: Softplay, Theme Parks, Indoor Activities, Attractions
- Walks: Parks, Outdoor/Nature, Beaches
Apps, Website & Support Groups
There are a lot of Apps and Facebook groups out there to help support you. I have put a few below as they don't really fit in other blogs I have done.
Happity App/Website:
Happity is an amazing site that let's you search your area, age of child and available day, with a host of different classes for mum and child and allows you to contact the class to book your space!
HANDi Paediatrics: Google App Link / Apple App Link
HANDi has been developed by the paediatric team at Musgrove Park Hospital to provide expert support to parents/carers and medical professionals looking after children with the most common childhood illnesses
"The Huckleberry app is the only all-in-one baby tracker that lets you know when your baby is tired but not over-tired, making nap times easier."
We use this all the time as it helps us remember when Cam last slept/ate.
The Wonder Weeks (in particular their Baby leap calculator)
"Your baby goes through 10 different leaps during the first 20 months of its life. Leap 1 begins when your baby is between 4 and 6 weeks old. During a leap, your baby’s mental development changes drastically and that affects your baby’s behavior. Be prepared and use our baby leap calculator!"
We use this all the time as it helps us work out if Cam is entering a grizzly stage and what the leap is.
Vinted (where you will find so many unworn and barely used clothes for little ones!)
Facebook: Bristol Breastfeeding Mummies Facebook Link
Breastfeeding information, support and friendship for Bristol, South Gloucestershire and surrounding areas.
Sling Consultant
well-informed support to use slings and carriers
Little Pickles and Bigger Pickles Market
Get ready to go in fighting, regular markets of used and pre-loved baby items, once it's gone it's gone!
Black Mothers Matter
"Black Mothers Matter are committed to supporting and celebrating Black pregnancies across the UK."
NCT Classes
The charity that supports people as they become parents.
Mat Leave Mummas Facebook Support Group
This group is purely for arranging meet ups in person for those in South Glos.
Inner Balance Reflexology
Baby reflex course
Term Classes: Sensory, Music, Massage, Swimming, Other
There are a lot of classes out there and it can feel overwhelming to know which to pick.
I have split up a lot of the classes for you as there are some similar classes and some individual.
The app above "Happity" is also a really good way to find classes in your area.
Term time classes are exactly that, classes that run outside of school holidays only. There are 3 terms a calendar year: spring, summer and winter. The biggest gap in classes is over the summer holidays, so if you are wishing to take your little one to a class but you are unsure which, think about the age they will be when that term starts. Some class leaders take on people after the term starts but most can be sold out and can often go quickly with regulars.
Also some classes are age specific as in you can’t start the class till your baby is a certain age anyway.
Other Activities: Every Day, Animals, Cakes and Coffee Trips, Yummy Food Pubs
Here are a list of baby friendly places to go to in the Bristol area, some offer annual membership and are good to know about for a rainy day. Note some of the soft play areas are good for babies to visit also.